
Carrie Underwood at the ACC: She sings, she scores

Entertainment / Music Carrie Underwood didn’t need the fancy props she brought to her concert. This performer is magnificent.    Nick Krewen Special to the Star Published on Wed Nov 03 2010 Like her hockey-playing husband, Carrie Underwood knows a few things about scoring. Twenty-four hours after centre Mike Fisher spearheaded an Ottawa Senators victory in a squeaker over our beloved Toronto Maple Leafs, Mrs. Fisher, a.k.a Underwood, returned to the scene…

Ryuichi Sakamoto works with giants and with glaciers

Composer found music even in the frigid waters of the Arctic Sea.  Nick Krewen Special to the Star, Mon Oct 25 2010 Over 80 albums and 32 years, revered Japanese cultural icon Ryuichi Sakamoto — who made a rare Toronto concert appearance Sunday at the Queen Elizabeth Centre — has dabbled in a lot of genres. Since he graduated from his electronic music studies at Tokyo’s University of Art, Sakamoto,…

Phoenix rises to the challenge at Ricoh

Entertainment / Music Phoenix rises to the challenge at Ricoh French band works to win over arena crowd, with success.        Nick Krewen  The Toronto Star Published on Sat Oct 23 2010 Appearing before an estimated 5500 faithful at the Ricoh Coliseum on Friday night, Phoenix certain didn’t waste any time when it came to hauling out the heavy artillery. Most bands usually wait until the conclusion of their set…

Plundering the past with Phil Collins

Plundering the past with Phil Collins | Toronto Star A mature pop titan becomes a covers act for the first time.  Nick Krewen Special to the Star Published on Fri Oct 08 2010 “I just bought a second cannon.” Not exactly the words you expect to hear flowing from the mouth of Phil Collins. But the 59-year-old’s chief passion these days is no longer music, but collecting 1820-1840 era Texas…

Finger Eleven, pointed forward

Entertainment / Music Burlington band has to please itself, first, with Life Becomes Electric.     From left: Finger Eleven, the pride of Burlington, are Scott Anderson, James Black, Rich Beddoe, Rick Jackett and Sean Anderson. Nick Krewen Special to the Star Published on Mon Oct 04 2010   It’s all about the calibre. As Finger Eleven unleashes a new album to the lucrative North American market this Tuesday, all eyes are…